"Besides acting, what I enjoy doing the most is directing. It is often a difficult choice for me to make when I have to pick one or the either. Regardless of my indecisiveness, I've always have had a passion for leading and being a director. Its both a blessing and a curse to have such an active mind - endless creative ideas at the price of several sleepless nights. 

I enjoy directing as I get to bring an artistic vision to life, by working with several other beautiful minds; the ensemble. I love taking care of my actors and sharing ideas with them to inspire and encourage them to bring their respective roles to life. Curiosity is built into my genetic code and that's what makes this process fun, pleasurable and lively for me - from research and discussions to all the exploration that happens in the rehearsal room.  

Directing is very much like parenting. To direct a project properly, you have to treat the script like your own baby. You have to be a responsible parent and take care of all of its aspects and nourish it while also keeping its future aka the vision in mind. You can't over-nourish it as you'll end up with a spoilt child and things will get out of hand pretty quickly. And of course, undernourishment is undoubtedly going to lead to a dispassionate and unmoving performance, which will not only tire out the ensemble but also the audience in no time. 

You have to give it the right kind and amount of love and care. It's tricky, but not impossible, and that's what makes directing a thrilling journey for me every.single.time"

♡  Catch the  WORLD PREMIERE play directed by Simran  ♥︎


Lehman College's Theatre Department presents... 

R    D    L

(Really Different Lives)

a shortplay by Charlee Stallings

performed at The Studio Theatre, Lehman College

as part of the...

NEW VOICES: the Student Playwriting Festival'24

 |  S H O W    D A T E S  |

WEDNESDAY, February 28th  at  4PM

THURSDAY, February 29th  at  7PM

FRIDAY, March 1st  at  7PM

SATURDAY, March 2nd  at  3PM


T H E    L O V E    H A T E    C L U B 

by Juan Ramirez, Jr.

at Theatre Row and Queens Theatre

O  N  E      N  I  G  H  T      S  T  A  N  D  O  F  F

by Juan Ramirez, Jr.

at The Secret Theatre

Asst. Director for

H  O  L  D  I  N  G      O  N

by Michael Beasley

Official selection for the 



Asst. Director, Actor, Sound designer for

L  O  V  E     I  S     R  E  D

by Leda Obergh